The deputy chairman of the BVZF board Dirk Zedler called for consolidating bicycle leasing with an independent regulation in the Income Tax Act. ZIV Managing Director Burkhard Stork welcomed the promise of the Federal Minister to maintain the special Urban and Rural Programme beyond 2023.”
VSF Managing Director Uwe Woell referred to the shortage of skilled manpower in the bicycle industry. According to a recent dealer survey among Bico and VSF dealers, there is a demand gap of more than 30 percent. This would correspond to more than 15,000 vacancies in the trade alone: “For the near future, we need easier ways of qualification, support for the conversion to modern, modular training and, on a broad scale, a comprehensive strategy to secure skilled manpower. A reasonable immigration policy facilitating the access to the German labour market could cushion a good part of our shortage.”
Author: Jo Beckendorff
Photo: Vivavelo